Privacy Policy


1. Information about data controller

Name: ENDLESS SUMMER INVESTMENT, S.L. (“ENDLESS SUMMER” or “the data controller”)


C.I.F: B-88013727

Contact: to contact the controller about the use of data processing by ENDLESS SUMMER, the User may contact the Data Protection Officer through the address indicated in this section or email: With the reference (Ref: Data Protection).

2. Information and consent to the processing of personal data on the Website

Generally, Users using the Web Site do so without providing any personal data. However, in order to access the Services, in certain cases, they must provide certain personal data. ENDLESS SUMMER guarantees the confidentiality of personal data provided by users, as established in the Data Protection regulations. Additionally, in some cases cookies will be installed that may collect personal data, in these cases you will be notified before entering the website, more information about this in the Cookie Policy of the website.

Users are informed that the data they may send to ENDLESS SUMMER will be included into a file owned by them, in order reply to their queries and requests and, if they have consented to do so, send commercial information by telematic means on content and products owned by ENDLESS SUMMER or companies belonging to the same business group.

Data processing is lawful according to the following basis:

User browsing analytics

User’s consent to cookie installation (see Cookies Policy).

Sending of commercial communication

User’s consent by filling out the form on the website and checking the box to accept commercial communications.

In case you have expressly given consent to the sending of commercial communications ENDLESS SUMMER informs the user that you can unsubscribe from such communications, following the instructions that appear at the end of all our emails.

Likewise, the personal data may be communicated to Tax Authorities, Data Protection Control Authorities (e.g. the Spanish Data Protection Agency), State Security Forces and Corps, Judges and Courts if so required or necessary.

The processing described above may involve the international transfer of your data to providers that may reside in third countries or have servers in such locations. In addition to the Commission’s adequacy decisions with third countries, ENDLESS SUMMER has ensured that agreements are in place regarding these data transfers and has implemented measures such as standard contractual clauses to guarantee such data flows, thus ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.

3. Security Measures

ENDLESS SUMMER informs you that it has implemented the necessary technical and organizational security measures to ensure the security of your personal data and prevent its alteration, loss and treatment and / or unauthorized access, given the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, whether from human action or the physical or natural environment. ENDLESS SUMMER constantly maintains the supervision, control and evaluation of processes to ensure respect for data privacy.

4. Data conservation periods

In general, ENDLESS SUMMER will retain Users’ personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, for a maximum period of 6 years.

User’s data of the Website will be kept by ENDLESS SUMMER while they are registered and, once the cancellation is requested, they will be kept for the attention of possible liabilities arising from the treatment until the prescription period of these, at which time, the owners of the Web Site will proceed to its elimination.

5. Exercise of the data subject’s rights (access, rectification, opposition, erasure, limitation of processing and, where appropriate, data portability).

Users may contact ENDLESS SUMMER, in order to exercise their rights of access, rectification, opposition, erasure, limitation of processing and, where appropriate, portability of the data included in their files.

In any case, the user may withdraw consent to the processing of their data at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

To do so, you must send a letter identified with the reference (Ref. Data Protection) in which you specify the corresponding request to the following address: ENDLESS SUMMER, CALLE MARCELIANO SANTAMARÍA, 7, 2D. 28038 MADRID. Or by sending identical documentation to the following e-mail address:

To ensure compliance with data protection, the data subject shall have the right to complain to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) about ENDLESS SUMMER law violation.

6. Data provided by third parties

From ENDLESS SUMMER we ask Users to avoid communicating through any system, application, medium or format, personal data of third parties. However, in the event that the communication made to ENDLESS SUMMER on the Website included personal data by persons who do not hold such data, the User guarantees that he/she has informed such persons of the points contained in the preceding paragraphs and has obtained their consent in compliance with the regulations on data protection. Circumstance that declares to have fulfilled by accepting the present conditions.

The User shall be liable to ENDLESS SUMMER or third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of the breach of the above statements.

7. Truthfulness, accuracy and updating of data

The data provided by the User must be truthful, accurate, complete and updated. In the event of any modification and/or variation in any of the existing data in our database, in particular those relating to contact persons, we kindly request you to inform us of this circumstance in order to update them.

8. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The relations established between the User and ENDLESS SUMMER shall be governed by Spanish law. However, for cases in which the regulations provide for the possibility of the parties to submit to a jurisdiction, the User and ENDLESS SUMMER expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply, submit any disputes and / or litigation to the knowledge of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid.
